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4 Types of Articles That Music Journalists Write

4 Types of Articles That Music Journalists Write

4 Types of Articles That Music Journalists Write

Music journalists choose their careers because of their fascination with music and the people behind it. That passion inspires them to write about these subjects for a living. However, they do not produce the same type of written works. Some write one specific type of articles, while others have more variety. The following writing projects are some of their most common works. 

1. News and Updates

A professional music journalist likely needs to produce daily content to maintain consistent work. The best way to accomplish so is by writing and publishing news that are relevant to the industry. There are always new developments when it comes to artists, songs, concerts, technology and more. Journalists can even update their stories if necessary. 

2. Reviews

Some journalists might be more interested in analyzing and criticizing recent music. Therefore, they spend their time writing reviews of new music releases and concerts. They are usually either full-time critics or just review the occasional piece as part of their varied work. Music reviewers earn more credibility from readers when they have significant knowledge of the medium and specific genres. 

3. Interviews

There are certain writers who are more fascinated by the lives of musicians and their process than other aspects of the field. They conduct interviews to learn more about the artists and how they work on their music. Interviews are mostly used to promote new releases or performances, but they can also be part of established writers’ larger projects. 

4. Investigative Pieces

Simple interviews and reviews cannot sufficiently encompass broader topics such as the rise and fall of a genre or the influence of technology in music. Journalists can work on larger investigative pieces that propose a specific subject and support it with multiple interviews and detailed research. These articles are usually present in publications as feature stories. 

Journalists have similar knowledge and skills, but they use them to produce different types of work. Music professionals either specialize on these projects or work with multiple versions throughout their careers. … Read More..