Gambling: 10 Mistakes that Most People Make

Gambling: 10 Mistakes that Most People Make

The Best Quotes About Gambling

It is firstly of utter importance to acknowledge the fact that for you to like the gambling quotes, you do not necessarily have to be a gambler. You should be aware of the fact that some people usually see a love that is worth having just like a gamble.

You will eventually regret a love that you do not try out and you felt like it was worth the shot. The people who believe that love is like gambles usually say that if you decide to play out safe on it and refuse to take the chances then you would miss out on the love of your life. However, you should know that not all gambling quotes are usually about love or secrets of the universe or even life.The gambling quotes are mostly the kind of quotes enjoyed by the people who understand gambling.This article clearly outlines some of the best gambling quotes ever used.

Firstly, they say that all the human affairs are like the Saiou’s Horse. If you have never heard of such a quote before, you should know that it is a Japanese saying that is based on a Chinese folktale. The story has it that Sai was an old man who owned a horse but it ran away. The neighbors heard of what had befallen him and consoled him by telling him that the horse running away could be like a blessing in disguise.

From what the neighbors said, the horse went and came back with another horse.From the story, you should know that there is more to it than just that but its essence is quite simple. No one can predict one’s luck. This means that sometimes you will win and sometimes you will lose.

The other quote that you should now be aware of is that money won is twice as sweet as money earned. The money won could also be thrice as easy to spend.The movie The Color of Money is where one could learn of this quote. This is basically that quote that usually sums up the reason as to why gamblers gamble. When it comes to gambling, the money earned is basically part of the entertainment. From the quote, you get to learn that the joy that comes with winning is what addicts people to gambling.The other quote that one should also understand is that you should eat your betting money but do not bet your eating money.

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